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Joe Strell
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Hello there! I am a singer/songwriter hailing from San Francisco by way of Chicago and New York. I particularly enjoy writing and recording songs about questions that are too big to answer, which I feel are important to ask anyway. But I'm not all gloom and doom, either. Sometimes I just want to have fun, and a turn of phrase or twist of melody can be just the ticket to that sort of journey. It all depends. These days, I'm focused on acoustic sounds, trying to capture the basic musicality of a song through the interplay of guitar, bass, mandolin, and ukulele. I find that limitations can be very inspiring creatively, but if a song really cries out for an electric guitar, I'll put it in. I'm not a purist in that regard. The most important thing is what feels right for the song. Thanks for listening!

-- Joe Strell

Joe Strell - In the Balance
Photograph by Jack Lenzo.


For comprehensive discographical information, see the discography of Joe Strell. Also, for other Dansbane Elandet releases featuring Joe Strell, see Split Heavens and Jake.

Joe Strell - In the Balance

In the Balance , All songs published 2007 by Satsuko (BMI), distributed by Dansbane Elandet, DEI-CAT-0003

Joe Strell's In the Balance is available at:

Joe Strell - Enormous Morning

Enormous Morning, All songs published 2006 by Satsuko (BMI), distributed by Dansbane Elandet, DEI-CAT-0002

Joe Strell's Eormous Morning is available at:

Joe Strell - Enormous Morning

Under a Mackerel Sky, All songs published 2005 by Satsuko (BMI), distributed by Dansbane Elandet, DEI-CAT-0001

Joe Strell's Under a Mackerel Sky is available at:


In his solo work, Joe Strell wields melody and metaphor to unveil the turbulent realms of human emotion, relationships, and existence. Composed with acoustic instruments including guitar, mandolin, and ukulele, his songs combine traditional technique with an alternative sensibility to deliver a message with wit and sensitivity. The imagery of his lyrics strikes deep, complementing the cool depths of his musical seascape with personal revelation that evokes the universal. For more information, see Joe Strell's biography page.

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JOE STRELL: Under a Mackerel Sky $13.98
JOE STRELL: Enormous Morning $13.98
JOE STRELL: In the Balance $13.98

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Bebo Visit Joe Strell at www.bebo.com/joestrell
Buzznet Visit Joe Strell at joestrell.buzznet.com
GarageBand.com Visit Joe Strell at www.garageband.com/artist/JoeStrell