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Marie Jacobsen: photography for Jake - Here We Go! ; artwork for Jake - Jake Sings and Jake - Minin' for Gold.

Ben Krug: scanning of The Imports' fanzine reviews.

Jack Lenzo: art direction, design, and photography for Joe Strell - In the Balance; art direction, design, and photography for Joe Strell - Enormous Morning; art direction, design, and photography for Joe Strell - Under a Mackerel Sky; photography for Split Heavens - Plate of Joe (back cover).

Jeff London: web consulting and philosophical development of the theory of "The Asymptote of the Rut", upon which all creative activity is ultimately based.

Joe Strell: Dansbane Elandet logo and web site design; art direction, design, and photography (where applicable) for Split Heavens and Jake releases.

Meghan Strell: web consulting, photography for Split Heavens - Plate of Joe (front cover).

Peter Strell: photography for The Imports live performances and for Split Heavens - Walking Towards You (front cover).

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