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Split Heavens - Instrumentals
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Split Heavens - Instrumentals

Published 2001 by Invisible Friend Productions
[Out of Print]

Track List:
cheyenne (straight) / cheyenne (trail mix) / chopsticks / consensual / death pop song / dog town / doodle / driven pines (a) / driven pines (b) / even before / for you (a) / for you (b) / january in san francisco / junque / may wind (a) / may wind (b) / mtwa / muppet practice (a) / muppet practice (b) / mwta (b) / piano tiddley (a) / piano tiddley (b) / stains lm / think about / thumb space / tom song / utc (1) / utc (2) / wanted scrap / when I get to sleep (a) / when I get to sleep (b) / winter rain

Joe Strell - keyboards
Marie Jacobsen - addditional keyboards on "chopsticks" and "muppet practice"
Recorded at Dansbane Elandet Studio